Φ Big Family

bigΨ · authors
updated: 2011-07-30

Φ.1. Authors

A few little lies about the authors of this web book.

Webcam portrait of blonde woman against background of blue mouth polygon
fransiX kissing away time
using namespace eMatching

Franzes van Novaloka (Amsterdam 1975)
is the principal author of the bigΨ articles. She's a mathematical recluse with a distaste for anything human and a strong desire to stay anonymous.
Fran6 still lives with her mother, a retired rock artist who made her fortune in the sixties. She's an immaculate perfectionist who rarely dares to eat, and stares for hours in the mirror, watching the mathematical formula pass by.
Fransix only leaves the house to feed sandwiches to the carps in the park. Her Erdös number is ωψ:)6

Man with glasses in blue jacket scratching head, photo in the open air
Gerard in on a time off

Giga Gerard (Monster 1963)
has had a fascination with large numbers and mathematical games since early childhood, only in college he lost interest in the topic.
After certain life events that failed his carreer, Giga Gerard took up the creation of Big numbers as a scientific endeavour. Now he is a stern editor of the bigΨ project and co-author beside Franzes. The news he follows on the arXiv.
Gerard writes at odd hours and has his machine off on the even, sitting relaxed with a Cheshire cat in his lap, dreaming about far away numbers…

Mad man at a wall, filled with drawings of pots and people, clock 6 past 6
A dâsa fighting spirits of time
public static final BigInteger ONE

Asamkhyeya dasa (Clermont 1951)
inspires with the philosophical quotes he delivers. His initial name Asamkhyeya dâsa means servant of infinity.
Both a Zen buddhist monk and a Hare Krishna devotee, he embraces all religions and sciences. The sage is well versed in Sanskrit and knows some magic oracles and spells too…
On his endless travels around the world Asankhyeya cherishes a grasshopper which hides in the sleeves of his saffron robe.

Gameplay cyborg in purple robe urges, "Cats: all your base are belong to us"

Webmouse (A'dam 1987)
is a fine web designer and Frances' half://sister. She takes care of the styles on this website and invented the colouring of ASCII mathematical text for web based editors.
A previous project of the Webmuis was the campaign website for a Dutch nurse, sentenced to life imprisonment on grounds of bad statistics. Public pressure helped set the nurse free and she was finally acquitted.
Mouse owns a blue and grey parrot called Ernst whom she tries to learn to speak HTML, so far without success.

The authors of this bigPsi story eventually want to make their construction project a public enterprise. We are still in the writing stage, but in the second half of 2012 we welcome participants who are eager to take up the fascinating subject of Big numbers as a mathematical hobby.

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Signature in the form of a big E
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All quotations from our work should be supplied with a reference or link to the corresponding webpages at www.allergrootste.com and also if the website is a main inspiration for a page you are writing, do apply references and please send us a note of your labours so we may link in turn to you!

bigPsi by the F.G.A.W. collective is licensed under a Take the gray pill? Creative Commons License. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.
This applies to the mathematical text and formula in the bigPsi book, on the web at allergrootste.com (including scripts and styles), but not to images, where the copyrights of those images belong elsewhere, as you can check here, nor to quotes from third sources.
This licence does not allow commercial uses of the work. Commercial publishers should contact the authors first. Adaptations of this work are encouraged, as usual among mathematicians. The jurisdiction of this licence is international (but we won't sue as it costs too much; evil lawyers and copyright criminals have to deal with Cerberus anyhowl;-]