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O mageAl an

Custom alphabet: " 'Al''pha' 'and' O'mega' 'is' 'an' I'mage'
 'of' 'who' 'you' 'are' 'in' 'the' e'yes' 'of' 'the' 'Lord'"
base 36
Opera(5,3,3) = 5^^3 = 555
O mageAl an   einLord   the e themega  e youisyou    magethemega of of  Oistheisand anAl inOareofan
and megaOand theare the Alwhoine inisyouanyes areanthe  is   iswhoandare eanAlyesIisyesof mage   of
you youin  eand I yes  yesLord whoIyes  who  who  LordLord    Itheyes   andtheofthe   youareofmage O
the Al anispha  IOLordisOLordeof   megayes  yes  yestheinmage anyouyesmageLordLordyesyouof theyesAl
who an are of OisaretheOI     in whoin  inthe Alwho ofmegaand  is   O   isI   Image yes an     yes
the eyou eyou yes youe yesandpha I  Al mage  pha andmegayesIinphaphaphaare ofarethe  ofwhoImega yes
isof areO phaofan  who of ofispha phaareyesarephaeLord   isandthe  Al Alan the ephais    megathe  in
Lord   yes the  phainImageandinmega  inyes in   theandeyesyou  mageareareinareinmageandLord Al Lord
whoarepha Lord LordantheandisOof phamegaarethetheemegamega   yes  ofisise isare themega   mega yes
ILord  of inofofmage isyou phawho pha of OO youan Lord isI  areyesyes who  mega youyesyesthe   and
 theAl areinwho in youmegaLord yes   mega isthemagemegain e    mega isanan Lord mage theanyou    the
 yesO the yesanyesanofIOare   you   Al   you of I  Owhopha Lord whoLordanof   I    is  mage    theAl
megayesLordtheAlis you phathean ethe pha     anyes youwho ILordO  of  anmegayouyou and inofIisthe
are an in are O whophamegayes  LordinOmage inandtheAl ofwhoyou youmega the anAl  ofyes   and   in
megaofof   the  you is the yesof who whoLordmega theof Al   anarethewhoisisLordAlwho  the  the  is
the         whoeOis Alinyestheethepha inyou an inand megaof   are andthe ane of Ithe  of of  isare
yes mega megae   an   the etheinpha magemageAl aremage mega      inwhothe   Al     anwho   thethe
pha  mega    yesof  is    theof an   Al the and Lordthe  theof  yestheyesyouyesmegathe Al and etheof
   megathe is  you aretheIAlthe of of ofO  of O is andis ee  anof you andareof  an   are isareAl of
Lord   of   youyouyes   are   e O who    theLordthethe isinin  Oareyesandof of  Lordofmegae  yes eof
   youyes arewho ineAlof   in Iin megaI pha whomageareAl andare theAlwhoareareAlLord  theearemegayes
isis  ofI theofyoutheyouLordpha I     of ewho an who eanmage  phais in phaofand    theIand  and mage
of whothe Iepha isofinaninthemageAlwhoofofinO     mageininmage  the the  isyou     magein  mega   of
pha whoLord phaanAland mega you   pha  O areO   you    Iwho the    megaareLordanpha I     of  and e
you Iareyes   e  inIO an  yesofO whoe  areeand pha  anpha phainwhoImageAl the megayou  yesAlyoumega
youpha ofof AlmegaI is  in I whoof who   ofmage in the LordO  who Al   OtheOOof Alwhointhe    areyou
  areImega  Iis  phaphathewho are the Lordyoutheof isO you andOyes.

posted on Saturday, May 27, 2006 12:57 AM


# re: O mageAl an 5/27/2006 12:54 PM Tess

Lieve Franzes, helpt dit om een muisarm te helen?

# re: O mageAl an 5/27/2006 4:00 PM Franzes von NovaLoka

Je kunt het proberen te reciteren :o) het is als een gebed.