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van NovaLoka

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Numbers from 0 to many more...

Start with nothing 0
Counting zeros 000... equals the same 0

Take step one 1
Counting ones 111... defines different numbers

Harvest the numbers N
(call them Norm-numbers, Nerd-numbers or Nine-numbers – they are 'natural countable digits')

Define an operator function for addition O(A,B) = A+B = 11...111...
Example: O(2,3) = 2+3 = 5

Define multiplication operator O(A,B,1) = A*B = A+A+A+... = 11...11...11... ...
Example: O(2,3,1) = 2*3 = 2+2+2 = 6
Multiplication redefines 1 in B, so that B counts items A (where A is a number).

Define power operator O(A,B,2) = A^B = A*A*A*...
Example: O(3,3,2) = 3^3 = 3*3*3 = 3*(3+3+3) = 3*9 = 3+3+3+3+3+3+3+3+3 = 27
This power redefines 1 in B, so that B counts repetitions of multiplication by A: O(A,O(A, ... ,1),1)

Expand N to a number system (binary, decimal, hexadecimal, factorial, etc.)

Define super-power operators O(A,B,C) = A^^^...B = A^^...(A^^...(A^^... ...))
Example: O(3,2,4) = 3^^^2 = 3^^3 = 3^(3^3) = 3^27 = 7625597484987
Powers redefine 1 in B, so that B counts nesting of a former power operation on A: O(A,O(A, ... ,C-1),C-1)

Harvest the Mann-numbers M from operator function O with three terms N:
M0 = O(0,0,0) = 0+0 = 0
M1 = O(1,1,1) = 1*1 = 1
M2 = O(2,2,2) = 2^2 = 4
M3 = O(3,3,3) = 3^^3 = 7625597484987
M4 = O(4,4,4) = 4^^^4 ~ 10^(8*10^153)
MN = O(N,N,N)

Let O(A,B,C,1) = O(MA,MB,MC) = O(O(A,A,A), O(B,B,B), O(C,C,C))
O(A,B,C,2) = O(O(A,A,A,1), O(B,B,B,1), O(C,C,C,1), 1)
O(A,B,C,D) = O(O(A,A,A,D-1), O(B,B,B,D-1), O(C,C,C,D-1), D-1)
O(A,B,C,D,E) = O(O(A,A,A,A,E-1), O(B,B,B,B,E-1), O(C,C,C,C,E-1), O(D,D,D,D,E-1), E-1)

Let operator function bigO drop any last entry when it is zero: On(...,0) = On-1(...),
and let bigO subtract 1 from its final value and substitute former operator variables am,
so each nested On in the equation is composed of n-1 base terms am and the final countdown an-1:

On(a1,a2,a3,...,an) = On(On(a1,...,a1,an-1), ..., On(an-1,...,an-1,an-1), an-1)

Harvest Lady-numbers L from bigO with a row of terms N of size N:
L0 = O() = O(0) = 0
L1 = O(1) = 1
L2 = O(2,2) = 2+2 = 4
L3 = O(3,3,3) = 3^^3 = 7625597484987
LN = ON(N,N,N,...,N)

L20080123 (for the record)

Let Om,2(a,...,k; 1) = Om(La,...,Lk) = Om(Oa(a,...,a), ..., Ok(k,...,k))
Om,2(a,...,k; p) = Om,2(Oa,2(a,...,a; p-1), ..., Ok,2(k,...,k; p-1); p-1)
Om,2(a,...; p,q) = Om,2(Oa,2(a,...,a; a,q-1), ...; Op,2(p,...,p; p,q-1), q-1)
Om,2(a,...; p,...,t) = Om,2(Oa,2(a,...,a;a,...,a,t-1),...; Op,2(p,...,p;p,...,p,t-1),...,t-1)

Formula for square operator function bigO2 :

Om,r(a1,1, .:.; a1,r,...,an,r) =
Om,r(Oa1,1,r(a1,1,.:.;a1,1,...,an,r-1), .:.; Oa1,r,r(a1,r,.:.;a1,r,...,an,r-1),...,an,r-1)

where in each nested square-matrix Ox,r (put x = av,w) the rows have x base terms x,
except the last (r-th) row which has n-1 base terms x and an,r-1 as final countdown.

Let Om,r,1(a1,1, .:., ak,r;; 1) = Om,r(Oa1,1,a1,1(a1,1,.:.,a1,1), .:., Oak,r,ak,r(ak,r,.:.,ak,r))

Formula for cubic operator function bigO3 :

Om,r,s(a1,1,1, .::, ak,q,s, z) =
Om,r,s(Oa1,1,1,a1,1,1,s(a1,1,1,.::,z-1), .::, Oak,q,s,ak,q,s,s(ak,q,s,.::,z-1), z-1)

in each nested cubic-matrix Ox,x,s (put x = au,v,w) the squares have x rows with x base terms x, except s-th squares
which have q-1 rows with x base terms x, and q-th rows with k base terms x and z-1 as final countdown.

In theory any bigO3 cube is reducable
: O1,2,2(24;1;;2008)

Let bigON drop a last entry when it is zero: Os1,,0) = Os1, and collapse empty dimensions.
Formula for multi-dimensional operator function bigON :

Os1,,...1, :::, am,, z) =
Os1,,...1,,...1,:::,z-1), :::, Oam,,,,:::,z-1), z-1)

In each nested matrix Ox, all values are base terms x, except for the final countdown z-1,
and all principally reducable dimensions (compare exceptions in Formula bigO3) will get size x.

Harvest Kind-numbers K from bigON as an N-dimensional argument matrix with sizes N where all N^N terms are N:
K0 = O0() = 0
K1 = O1(1) = 1
K2 = O2,2(2,2; 2,2) = O2,2(O2,2(2*L8,2*L8;2*L8), O2,2(2*L8,2*L8;2*L8); O2,2(2*L8,2*L8;2*L8))
K3 = O3,3,3(3,3,3;3,3,3;3,3,3;; 3,3,3;3,3,3;3,3,3;; 3,3,3;3,3,3;3,3,3)
KN = ON,...,N(N,:::,N)

K20080124 (today's record number)

Let O2;2([a1,...1,:::,am,], 1) = Os1,,...1,:::,Kam,

I can see clearly now the new operator function bigO[], which allows for multiple multi-dimensional matrix arguments, is just old wine in new bottles. That new bottle will be full (cycle) when the sizes parameter subscript for O has itself changed into a multi-dimensional matrix of arbitrary size, and each term in the argument list can be written as extra-dimensional matrices, with properties expected from the subscript.
How bigO[]-type formula work:

How bigON-type formula work: You can reduce the original bigON-type expression by substituting all argument terms except the last by an adapted bigON-type expression where all reducable O-dimensions are expanded upto the size of the base term and filled with the value of that (fast growing) base term. O-Dimension edges (in such a nested child expression) that 'cover' the final countdown entry are just filled with the base term (not expanded). The final countdown (reduced by a mere 1) comes last, in the nested children and in the parent bigON-type expression.

The mathematical interpretation of extra-dimensional sizes (read from the operator subscript) remains arbitrary yet crucial. The first subscript 2 in the example formula above could define the sizes of the dimensions of the outer arguments (or alternatively: the largest sizes regarding ALL extra-dimensional multi-dimensional terms). The extra subscript 2 indicates the second level of nesting of argument terms: inside multi-dimensional arrays. The operator subscript is nothing but a convenience tool for us, as any bigO[]-type expression is strictly defined by the operator terms and their ordering principles.

At this point we are searching for the principles of extra-dimensional ordering. If an extra term of 1 allows for multi-dimensional arrays, an extra term of 2 would allow each term inside such an array to be a multi-dimensional array. Then the first extra-dimensional parameter describes an array nesting of p levels deep.
Then the second parameter applies an array nesting depth that is so deep that it can only be expressed by a number that uses array nesting depths in its formula (and we know how large such a number is, it is mindboggling!). The next parameters that follow apply nesting depths expressed by a number that uses the nesting depth of a bigO[] formula that contains the previous parameter.

If this proces ends it starts again, and the value of the operator subscript can be increased. Again, if that proces ends, it starts again, but now another operator subscript is added, and subsessively increased.
This way bigO[] receives a multi-dimensional operator subscript list.

Thus the Jazz-numbers J are created from bigO[]
J0 = O0() = 0
J1 = O1(1) = 1

The next form of bigO? provides for an extra-dimensional operator subscript list. And then one might create the Imam-numbers.
Instead I recognized a new form of counting: counting "operator parameter list to operator subscript cycles".

This 'mother of cycles' will be used to define the INdia-numbers IN where:
IN0 = O0 = 0
IN1 = N1 = O(1) = 1
IN2 = L2 = O2(2,2) = 4
IN3 = K3 = O3,3,3(3,3,3;3,3,3;3,3,3;; 3,3,3;3,3,3;3,3,3;; 3,3,3;3,3,3;3,3,3)
IN4 = J4

(NovaLoka Book of Records number)

Postscript: As all the quantum-information in our universe is isomorphic to a binary number that can be expressed by a formula no bigger than O3(5,4,3), the number space inbetween that quantum-information number and the infinity mathematicians so easily talk about, can be physically filled with an incredible cascade of systems or worlds, one on top of the other. As a 'top system' typically processes data from a 'bottom system' with a size not far below its own size (surely no extra bigO parameter is needed), the human vision of a divine intervention for our souls after death provided by a Kingdom ruled by a God, if true, also implies a cascade of Kingdom systems of Gods, one on top of the other.
Perhaps multiple systems are intertwined in our world and our souls, the small being treated equal to the big: a shadow of a thought just as important as a World Cup.
I rest my case, and wish you a lovely day.

posted on Wednesday, January 23, 2008 4:06 PM


# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 1/24/2008 7:13 AM tess

Ja Fran6, start with nothing 0. Dat is dus al bij voorbaat niet zo.

# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 1/24/2008 9:48 AM Franzes van NovaLoka

"Niet zo" is een frisse start voor jou!
(dat noem ik 0)

# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 1/24/2008 9:50 PM Franzes van NovaLoka

The Sage said:
"After doing these exercises one frowns upon anyone who talks about infinity."


Because 'counting some more' is of no use, and infinity is as far away as ever.
The total amount of information in the universe is estimated at 5^^5 quantum events, not much...
The realm of the divine realm ruling our lives would typically be a meta-physical system having 4^^^4 degrees of freedom.

bigO and God's Number

"Why want a bigger God if there is one?"


But if such numbers exist, then larger numbers that represent larger mathematical worlds can also be real.
These larger numbers, worlds upon worlds, systems upon systems, have been created above.

And still these are 'only countable numbers'.

Substituting Omega (infinity) for 1 you can count infinities.
Then you can hypothesize a number that cannot be reached by such counting with Omega: Omega-2, and start the procedure again.
Omega-3, Omega-4, why not increase the N in Omega-N right away?

Then Omega-Omega and Omega-Omega-Omega are new horizons,
and see you can count the number of Omegas in such words.
And say there can be Omega terms Omega in a word.

And recognize: the planet is small, but for man, it's never enough.

# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 1/25/2008 12:51 AM tess

Is in wezen het getal der dingen oneindig?

Ik bedoel, er komt steeds meer bij, naarmate we meer erbij denken toch?

# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 1/25/2008 11:41 AM Franzes van NovaLoka

Tja Tess,

ik begon met 'Normale' getallen N 0,1,2,...,
toen kwamen de 'Mann' getallen M0, M1, M2, ...,
toen de 'Lady' getallen L0, L1, L2, ...,
en toen de 'Kind' getallen K0, K1, K2, ...,

maar je kunt nog veel verder tellen:
'Jazz' getallen, 'Imam' getallen, 'Hype' getallen ...

Steeds begin je weer met 0,1,2,...
en dan zie je dat oneindigheid even ver verwijderd ligt als altijd.
Zodra ik een nieuw systeem zie, begin ik te tellen hoeveel dat systeem is toegepast, en dat getal wordt dan weer input.
Zodra ik een schijnbaar oneindige cirkel zie voeg ik het dus toe aan het tel-systeem.

Al 'het groots' wordt zodoende ontmaskerd als 'iets kleins'.

Als je 'het wezen van het getal' wilt vinden Tess, ga dan terug naar nul en één.

Doe bijvoorbeeld 0*0 en vraag je af of het 0 moet zijn.
Nee dus, niet vanzelfsprekend...

# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 1/25/2008 3:22 PM marco

Nou, bovenstaande verhaal wordt steeds mooier, vooral die MMMMMMMreeks is echte kunst, althans, nog nooit eerder gezien!

# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 1/25/2008 11:54 PM Franzes van NovaLoka

Kunst om te berekenen ook: ik kreeg een reeks van 1,2,4,8,?
en toen gokte ik er maar naar: 16 M's

# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 2/4/2008 7:58 PM MMM

I and You are the centres of infinity.
God works outwards from every one of us... internal; external forever.
I am the centre of the universe.
You are the centre of the universe.


# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 2/4/2008 10:12 PM Franzes van NovaLoka

And this infinity is like a question MMM: does something exist?
Is 1 really different from 0?
Are you me?
Can you show me the center?

# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 2/4/2008 10:12 PM Franzes van NovaLoka

And this infinity is like a question MMM: does something exist?
Is 1 really different from 0?
Are you me?
Can you show me the center?

# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 2/4/2008 10:13 PM Franzes van NovaLoka

And this infinity is like a question MMM: does something exist?
Is 1 really different from 0?
Are you me?
Can you show me the center?

# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 2/5/2008 3:04 PM MMM

1 equals O. I believe we are dual machines. Yes and No, right and left. Equal but different. We can be mono or stereo. We are one and we are two. The essence of our being is thinking we are one when we really are one and one. The higher mind and our "own" mind. God is everything external of us, including us. At our most basic, we are "zero" which is when we are "one" with everything. I have felt/experienced what it is like to be nothing. I lifted a baby once and when the baby's head came up to mine, I witnessed the darkness of the magic of the Universe. We are dark and we are light. We call ourselves grey to explain this. The first number is zero but zero doesn't exist unless you are at one with zero! Being at one with the nothing-ness behind what we call life. It's all about Magic. Everything works by magic that we comprehend as laws of the universe.

# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 2/11/2008 8:30 PM MMM

You're about the only one who listens to my psycho-babble... thanks for doing that! It's like shouting at the stars and expecting the stars to shout back! The same with God... He doesn't talk... He only directs this movie called Life...

# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 2/12/2008 7:54 AM Fran6 van NovaLoka

Well, I didn't quite understand what you wrote above yet, I was letting it sink in, coming back once in a while, see if I could understand, no...

Why not put your website online again Mairead, all those orphan poems, listen (at least) to yourself again, no regrets?

# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 2/12/2008 3:17 PM MMM

No I have no regrets but I feel I'm wasting my time putting the poems up online.
The last post is me trying to explain what happened when I experienced the mind of God (or the Universe). It was the darkness behind everything and yet it was tangible. It only lasted a few seconds and it only happened when my head (mind) was up against someone else's head. It happened a few times. Basically behind everything is the mind working away and the darkness is magic so it's a mind of magic really.
0=1=0=1=1=0=0 etc etc.
positive, negative
one, two
Essentially there is one and another one makes two but zero is always there too. And zero is what we can't see and (almost) can't imagine!

# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 2/12/2008 6:26 PM Fran6 van NovaLoka

Ah, so you're counting MMM...

In this topic post "Numbers from 0 to many more..." I take counting to the extremes!

# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 2/12/2008 8:43 PM MMM

I think I'm just trying to describe how difficult it is to understand what "nothing" is...
It's as difficult as understanding infinities...

# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 2/13/2008 11:17 AM Fran6 van NovaLoka

Yes, consider new constructs like 0*0 and 0^0 and 0^^0 etc...

# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 2/13/2008 6:28 PM MMM

I'm not big into Maths, Frances but I like to stretch my mind a little.

# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 2/13/2008 9:19 PM Fran6 van NovaLoka

Stretch this:

O(A,B,C) = O(A,O(A,B-1,C),C-1)

if (B=0 | B=-N) & C > 1-B
O(A,B,C) = B+1

# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 2/14/2008 10:31 AM Fran6 van NovaLoka

Or stretch out the vacuum MMM:

# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 2/14/2008 7:43 PM MMM

I used be able to understand that kinda stuff when I was in second level in school... not any more!

# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 2/15/2008 1:16 PM Fran6 van NovaLoka

You were a genius Mairead!

# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 2/26/2008 4:55 PM marco

I just noticed that enigmatic MMM is a twelve years younger ScorpioDragon than I am. Is this liking of mind stretching written in the stars?

# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 2/26/2008 5:04 PM marco

To me constructs like 'magic' and 'god' are there to name the unexplainable, as container terms that point to something(s) part of the reasoning that needs completeness according to grammar rules, while otherwise it would certainly be nonsense.

# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 2/26/2008 5:18 PM marco

By the time these evolved humanlike aliens cracked this code they either themselves appear to be insane, or we will be labeled like this.


# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 3/2/2008 6:21 PM Franzes

@marco ScorpioDragon

Unmon's Staff Unmon showed his staff to the assembly and said,
"This staff has changed into a dragon and has swallowed up the heaven and the earth. Where do mountains, rivers and the great earth come from?"

@marco Magic and God
From this post you may learn that "magic" is the presence of the higher worlds in our world. When Unmon holds Unmon's magic staff a dragon appears...
A "god" is a conscious creature in a higher universe that can manipulate parts of our physical universe.

@marco insane aliens
Man can only label what he knows, the aliens and the gods are beyond his reach. Man should keep his labels to himself, be watchful and learn.

# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 3/3/2008 12:08 PM marco

Where do rice and water come from? (case50)

The moon sits on each branch of the coral (case100)

The Supreme Way simply dislikes choosing and does not dwell in clarity (case2)


# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 3/3/2008 8:38 PM marco

I at least can explain to all you fucking ignorants and cowards.

1) basic life supporting systems should never be abridged while it ends in loss;
2) the sharpest sword is insignificant while it does not spread wisdom;
3) to understand all sides of truths means puzzling

# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 3/7/2008 10:32 AM Franzes

Hi Marco, I was in a Zen monestery in Wapserveen for the week and on return was overwhelmed by your wisdoms. Why not practice Zen yourself?

And where's Mairead gone?

# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 3/8/2008 12:57 PM mxallerated

Mairead said...

"I am not an atheist because I have been shown God where I have full knowledge within myself that I am right, perhaps in the same way you are sure there is no God. However, I have proof of God from God. He comes in many guises and ONE OF THEM IS BEING AND ATHEIST [CAPS are mine ;mxl]. God lives in everyone of us. God is Life. God is everything and everybody. He is the Mind of Life. I know Him because I can actively communicate with God who is The Universal Mind. By you not believing and by me, believing... it's the same thing but YOU don't know that!"

code was dE@ (though I messed it up while forgetting to enter this in the appropriate place as well) now it is coded 9m=, which might be quite the same...

# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 3/8/2008 3:01 PM mxallerated

"The Hermit of Lotus Peak took up his staff and showed it to the assembly." (case 25)

"One day that fellow will build a grass hut upon a lonely peak, and scold the buddhas and abuse the patriarchs." (case 4)

"The moon sits on each branch of the coral." (case 100)

# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 3/8/2008 3:51 PM Franzes

@mxallerated 1
We CAN be part of Zen while Zen is part of us.
"I like to stretch my mind a little"

@mxallerated 2
tighten her hips?

@mxallerated 3
3 x 3 = 9

@mxallerated 4
- 25 x 4 = 100
- that fellow is you! why not take up zen?
- "the sharpest sword is insignificant while it does not spread wisdom" (not a word the Hermit of Lotus Peak will be able to add to this)


# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 3/8/2008 6:01 PM mxallerated

10x10 = Kaatz u idiot savante


nb grip is not hip but sincere, and she'll manage

# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 3/8/2008 6:25 PM Franzes

Oh oh!

# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 3/8/2008 10:03 PM mxallerated

Sorry, maar Zen houdt van één klappende hand ;-)

# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 3/8/2008 10:15 PM mxallerated

Where do Patriarchs come from? (case20)

Pick up the whole earth in your fingers, cast it away, then congregate to look for it (case5)

Here Now Us (and there them too)

# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 3/9/2008 7:13 PM marco

Ferry Mingelen vroeg aan Widlers: "Waar ben je vandaag mee bezig geweest?". Widlers antwoordde: "Ik kom net van het Binnenhof*." Mingelen vroeg: "Ben je in de Tweede Kamer geweest**?" Widlers zei: "Nee, moet dat dan, ik weet bijna niet eens waar dat is?" Mingelen zei dan: "Dan ben je nooit in Den Haag geweest!"
Jeroen Pauw zei toen: "Vanwege al die emotionaliteit zijn wijze woorden de Hofvijver in gekieperd, zodanig dat het nooit meer boven het maaiveld zal uitsteken."

* dit is één van de mooiste en beroemdste plekken in Nederland, waar veel wijze klups zetelen
** de Tweede Kamer, ook wel volksvertegenwoordiging genoemd, is de belangrijkste plaats op het Binnenhof

# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 3/9/2008 7:48 PM MMM

How do ye know each other?

As I have said to Frances before, I am a God-Being. This means I am a normal human being who believes in God UNTIL I smoke a drug like cannabis reason which is when I BECOME God not just at one with Him, but I become HIM! I am then "in Heaven". Magic is all around me and I understand the deepest psychologies like the teachings of Da Vinci and others. I become the ultimate psychologist and I KNOW "I AM God" when this happens.


# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 3/9/2008 8:19 PM marco

Sorry, it's a bit difficult to translate these last two posts of mine while I also should reculturize them in Eirish settings. But it had to do with case 34 (in a jesterlike way) of the collection of 100 Zen statements to be found at, which might not be the book you are waiting for, MMM, at least I gather...

We never met, Frances and I, but might do some time.
I am happy for you feeling so strong. Last night I had a weak moment, that is a way to know differences as well. Thank you for your wisdom!

# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 3/9/2008 9:19 PM marco

I am a warrior.
I'd like to splice stones with my sword, rather than stones crush my sword.
I'd like to severe righteousness from wrongdoings, rather than being messed up by contraries.
I'd like to stimulate progress while halting decay, rather than feeding the wolves.
I'd like to pose direct currents opposite to anticurrents, rather than tying them to the ground.
I'd rather feed the mains than keeping on looking for the remote.
By all means necessary all should be shown the way, instead of diverting their paths thus littering lost cases about.
I am a warrior, and I should be by all means mean, being sincerely sincere.
I want to straight things up, that's my zeal. It's up to others what I'll reveal.
I am a warrior. I could not be sorryer.

That is why Fran6 and I never met. He is by far ahead.


# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 3/10/2008 5:51 AM marco

For MMM from HekiganRoku

Heaven, Earth and we all have the same root; all things and we are one single body. When we look at these beautiful flowers, we may know that myriads of people still dream them as flowers. (case 40)

When a child is born, will it be complete? Every consciousness will stream with the flow. (case 80)

While the Supreme Way dislikes choosing it will not stick to things already clear, instead, it is meant to be gathering clarity all the time. (case 2)

B@w and come closer

# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 3/10/2008 6:11 AM marco


m asks M 'where have you come from?'
M anwers 'from the west'
m asks 'how are spirits in the west?'
M answers 'a bit mingling'
m asks 'are they seperating as well?'
M says 'there is some cluttering'
M asks m 'how is the spirit here?'
m answers 'all mingle, even dragons and snakes'
M asks 'how do they mingle?'
m says 'seen as threes, from every side'

(case 35)


# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 3/12/2008 6:00 PM marco

mmm MMM mmm . mmm MMM mmm .. MMM mmm MMM ... MMM mmm MMM
mmm MMM mmm . mmm MMM mmm .. MMM mmm MMM ... mmm MMM mmm
mmm MMM mmm . mmm MMM mmm .. MMM mmm MMM ... MMM mmm MMM
MMM MMM MMM . MMM mmm MMM .. mmm MMM mmm ... mMm MMM MmM
MMM MMM MMM . MMM mmm MMM .. mmm MMM mmm ... MmM mmm mMm
MMM MMM MMM . MMM mmm MMM .. mmm MMM mmm ... mMm MMM MmM
mmm MMM mmm . mmm MMM mmm .. MMM mmm MMM ... mmM mMm Mmm
mmm MMM mmm . mmm MMM mmm .. MMM mmm MMM ... mMM mMm MMm
mmm MMM mmm . mmm MMM mmm .. MMM mmm MMM ... MMM mMm MMM


# re: Numbers from 0 to many more... 5/6/2008 4:28 PM Fran6

Look into
Novaloka's Neuropol 0
for the latest developments on bigO and (even larger!) big numbers.